Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rayau-rayau cari nurseri pokok

Pagi tadi merayau2 di sekitar SungaiMerab menengok2 pokok2 pilihan untuk landskap rumah kami. Inilah antara pokok2 yang berjaya di'tangkap' :)

Sesiapa tahu apa nama pokok ni? Plan nak bagi panjat dinding pagar tapi tak berapa reti nak menanamnya... huhu...

Foto: Nice Ghost

Uishhh... jenuh nak trim cam gini...

Penerangan berguna daripada Nice Ghost. Scary nama dia... huhu...

Creepers yg teman tanam ini ada 2 jenis.
Yakni daun nyer yg besar dan juga kecil.
Teman empunya daun yg kecil.

Benih bley di dapati dari keratan pokok nya.
Yakni semasa kita hendak buat prunning.

Setiap ruas nya ada agak mudah utk membiak.

Salah satu cara ialah dgn menanam terus di tepi dinding.
Yang kedua ialah dgn menyemai dahulu dalam poly bag.
Biarkan ia menbesar terlebey dahulu.
Especially kalau nak tanam semasa ari panas n kering.

Selepas ia memjalar di dinding, buat lah prunning pada pucuk nya.
Ia akan merebak pabila pucuk nya di potong.
Jangan biarkan ia menjadi 'longgar'.
Yakni ada ruang kosong pada dinding......nanti pokok ini bley 'tercabut' n jatuh.


Sumber foto: Bernies Garden

Pokok ini termasuk dalam kategori hiasan berbunga. Nama dalam bahasa Melayunya "Janda Kaya"! Wahhh! Nama saintifiknya adalah Mussaenda sp berasal dari Asia Tenggara, Afrika Tropika.

This Central American native prefers bright light and moderate humidity. If you can give plumeria care what it needs, you'll enjoy this spectacular tropical plant in your home for many years.

Let the sun shine in. Plants that don't bloom aren't getting enough sun. Growing plumeria require at least 5 hours of direct sun each day.

Repot young plants in spring when their roots have filled the container. Move it to a pot only one size larger. When planting plumeria, care should be taken to choose a pot with drainage holes to prevent root rot. Is it too big to repot? You can top-dress it instead by removing the top 2-3 inches of soil and replacing it with fresh soil.

Prune it back. You can control its size and encourage it to branch out by regular pruning. Flower clusters grow from the branch tips, so you'll get more flowers this way. Cutting plumeria branches back by 1/3 won't hurt it at all -- this is a vigorous plant. Prune in late winter or early spring.

Pruning tip: Cut at a 45° angle, just above a node (the place where a leaf or branch is attached to the stem). Use sharp pruners to avoid tearing the stems.

Info Plumeria Care

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