Sunday, November 28, 2010

pokok redup

green & shady landscape

menarik sungguh landskap2 halaman yg redup ni...

sesuai rasanya nak apply landskap redup di kawasan ni...

bilik tidur simple

bilik tema merah

angah suka bilik berwarna merah...

Foto: Home Designing

Foto: Digs Digs

suka compartment tu, nampak kemas...

bilik tema pink

tisya suka bilik macam ni. pink! :)

Foto: Digs Digs

Foto: Juqieys Anne

landskap 1

bar window

pembahagi ruang

pembahagi ruang antara living dan dining area ni antara feature yang macam berkenan di hati.

pagar pilihan

kalau boleh nak ada pokok yg melekat di dinding tu. so nice...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Casa impian

Kawasan Kejiranan

After many series of frustration due to irresponsible property seller (i don't mind to reveal... DAHRIA/KAMARA. please beware...) finally we have made up our mind to buy the house here. The house is quite small but as there is still many extra space so we plan for the extention of the house later on. Thank you Allah... Alhamdulillah...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

nice tree

Pokok ni sangat comel. Akan ditanam di halaman rumah baru kami nanti. Anybody know the name of this tree?

small indoor swimming pool


Teringin pulak rasanya nak buat indoor small swimming pool :)

small lovely cottage

Foto: Bard Nurseries

Sangat comel. Berangan nak hias halaman green je macam ni...